Project Overview

DEMONSTRATE is an Innovation Action within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Clean Sky 2 program under Grant Agreement No. 101007881.

The team of DEMONSTRATE comprises the LGAI Technological Center SA – Applus+ and Athena Research and Innovation Center as Beneficiaries. Topic Manager of Demonstrate project is the Hellenic Aerospace Industry.

The overall objectives of DEMONSTRATE is the full-scale testing of three airframe section demonstrators, two metallic and a thermoplastic fuselage panel with an integrated stiffening structure to demonstrate their structural integrity, supported by advanced simulation methodologies correlated with experimental data.

A number of enabling technologies have been planned to be developed and matured within DEMONSTRATE project, which will result to the realization of an efficient, reliable and cost-effective test bench suitable for the full-scale testing of curved aeronautical panels. The developed test bench will be used for the execution of static tests on advanced metallic and thermoplastic curved integrally stiffened full-scale panels, representative of a business jet fuselage structure and the execution of an endurance test on an integrally stiffened 4th generation Al-Li curved panel.

If you are new to the field of experimental testing and model validation, you may find relevant publications and presentations on this website.

Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking

Clean Sky is the largest European research programme developing innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, Clean Sky contributes to strengthening the European aero-industry collaboration, global leadership and competitiveness.